Husets desserter
1. Vanilje, nougat eller rød frukt is
og karamelliserte nøtter
3. Hvit sjokolademousse med Baileys
4. Tradisjonell crème brûlée
5. Pære i rød vin
med nougatis
6. Mini sjokolade dessert «Don Quijote»
med vaniljis
7. Sesongens frukt
med is, pisket krem og Søt saus
Flamberte desserter
1. Sesongens frukt
2. Crepe «Don Quijote»
Coffees - Brandies - Cognac
Various Coffee
Expresso coffee / americano coffee
Large Coffee with milk / Small coffee with milk
Coffee with condensed milk
Coffee with milk and sweet condensed milk
Double expresso
Coffee expresso with brandy
slice of lemon, 2 coffee beans
Coffee, milk, condensed milk, 43 Licor, slice of lemon and cinnamon
Capuchino coffee
with foam milk and cinnamon
Coffee with fresh cream and cinnamon
Coffee with a vanilla scoop
Scotch coffee (Whisky)
Calipso coffee (Tia Maria)
Jameson coffee (Irish Whisky)
French coffee (Brandy)
Capricci coffee (Cointreau)
te & infusiones
Carlos III
Carlos I
Martell V.S
Hennesy V.S
Courvoisier V.S
Remy Martin V.S.O.P.
Carlos I Imperial